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Easy Preparation Tips for Finishing an Essay Overnight

Finishing an essay over one night can make you feel stressed or pressured. The essay will add to your already existing schoolwork, and you may have to stay up later than you wish to do so. There are actually a few methods to use that can make completing an essay in one evening an easy task. You want to brainstorm at school, research on your phone or tablet, write a killer thesis statement, and take time to make the most detailed outline that you can construct. Use these steps the next time you must compose an essay in twenty-four hours.

  • Brainstorm at School - if you get the essay assignment early in the day, begin to jot down notes and brainstorm as you move through your school day. You can take advantage of down time in class, your independent hour, lunchtime, and any other breaks. Just jotting down your ideas and your plans will make the research, thesis statement, and outline easier to complete later at home. If you use every free moment at school to prepare, the work will go quicker and easier at home.

  • Research on Your phone or Tablet - as you jot down your notes during the school day, use your phone or tablet, if you have one, for quick research. You do not have to do any in-depth research, but you can copy and paste links into an electronic note. If you arrange them by category, your outline will move much quicker when you arrive home. The research part of a paper is the one that takes the most time, yet is one of the most important steps. Just clicking on those links at home, will save you valuable work time.

  • Write a Killer Thesis Statement - the thesis statement guides the direction of a paper. If you have a weak thesis statement, then the odds are great that the paper will also be bad. If you carefully used steps one and two through the school day, you will notice a pattern of main ideas for your title topic. You can then select the strongest reoccurring ideas that you want to discuss. Have two-four good ideas and go with them. More or less will not make for a very well constructed paper. If one of the ideas is weaker than the others, place it in the middle of the stronger ones. You will always want to start your composition strong and to finish your paper strong. Make sure your thesis statement rocks.

  • Make a Very Detailed outline - now you have just arrived home. Go get a snack or eat dinner. Stretch your legs and walk the dog or play with the cat. Make sure you have some kind of down time in order to de-stress from your hectic day. Once you have moved around a bit and filled your stomach, you need to get to work. Go to a quiet study area, and remove all distractions or turn off all unnecessary electronics. Then get out your electronic notes, links, and thesis statement. You are going to build your outline. You may have some changes, but this is perfectly normal. Just be aware that if you have too many modifications, you may lose a lot of time. If you need small breaks, take them as you work. You don’t want to work so much you begin to make careless errors. You can finish the paper in no time if you have done your work through the school day.

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