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WikiLeaks is a journalistic organisation that is believed to be founded by Julian Assange, an Australian internet activist. This organisation is a non-profit making organisation and it reports and publishes secret information internationally. Most of its members and associates remain confined and are not known by the public. The group has released a number of secret reports and documents mainly concerning gross corruption activities, war genocide and many other inhuman activities that are done secretly across the world.

WikiLeaks works in collaboration with major media houses across the world to release top secret government activities that are against the human rights and other criminal activities across the world. Although at some instances, the collaboration with other media houses exposes the secret information that is not to be exposed to the public or exposing the activities of WikiLeaks in its investigation to the victims they still have to work with other media houses to a certain degree. If some of the information is released before the right time to release it is yet can put innocent lives at risk.

Overview of the WikiLeaks organisation

Though Julian Assange denied being associated with the organisation, he personally said that he is the sole heart of the organisation. He defined being the sole heart of the organisation as the financier, philosopher, editor, original coder, philosopher and all what administration entails to the organisation. The organisation largely relies on volunteers to submit information although Julian and his team of administrators oversee everything in the organisation.

The organisation was registered in 2006 and since 2007 it has been publishing documents available to the public. The organisation adopts a more traditional way of conveying information on the website whereby it does not accept customers’ or readers’ feedbacks and comments. Although the organisation domain name contains “wiki”, it is not affiliated to Wikipedia in any way but it have sold some of the domain names to Wikimedia foundation profit making company as a protective brand measure. WikiLeaks organisation has no identified headquarters and it administration is believed to consist of eight executives and eight hundred volunteers all of which are uncompensated.

The purpose of WikiLeaks

The WikiLeaks has two major goals. The first one is to ensure that it provides information to the public and historians that would rather go unpublished or unreleased and the second one is to ensure the safety of journalists or volunteers who leaks secret information through the WikiLeaks website. The security of journalist or volunteers who leak classified government information is very critical as in some countries it may result to one being jailed or even dire consequences like death.

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