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Simple Instructions For Writing A Definition Essay On Friendship

Many language instructors like giving instructions to students to write definition essays. The definition essay has various requirements as compared to the other expository writing types. You will not need to persuade your readers in order for them to believe your argument.

When given an expository essay on friendship, you will need to explain the origin of the word as well as the different meanings of the term.

  • Why friendship?
  • The reason why friendship is a good term for writing a definition essay is that this is an abstract term. The compound term has a great lifeline and this offers room for the writing. There are many instances when it is easy to write the definition essay when you are dealing with a word that has different definitions based on the perspective.

    Any good definition essay should have different feature. You should include an actual definition of the term. You will need to analyze the term friendship so as to have an idea of the origin of the two terms-friends and ship. You will also need to show how the words are able to work in a single sentence. You can include these features in separate sentences and this will make it possible for you to expand your definition thoroughly and offer examples on the use of words.

  • Verbal connotations and illustrations
  • It is also possible to create some illustrations of a certain word. While friendship is a term that is commonly known, you will need to give an explanation of the connotation. After sharing the connotation, it is time to explain the kind of feelings that the word has.

  • Structure
  • The definition essay’s structure is also an important part. You should have the actual definition in your opening paragraph as well as a thesis including the definition which should be written using your own words. When it comes to the other parts of the essay, from different definition, connotations, history of words and the parts

  • Illustration
  • You should include the illustrations in separate paragraphs with each of the paragraphs referring back to the definition of the thesis. The essay’s conclusion should restate the points in the body paragraphs while the final sentence should remind readers why it is important to know the word.

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