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Top 33 Reflective Essay Topic Examples Worth Writing About

A reflective essay is a story of a lesson learned It is an episode in life which had an impact on you, and may have changed some feelings or opinions your previously held. Writing about it requires you think deeply about the instance and not just give a fleeting thought. Here are some examples you can review which will give some impetus to the self-examination you make prior to writing.

  1. Clear weather on New Year’s Day.
  2. Walking through a field of wild flowers.
  3. Picking blueberries in August.
  4. Climbing a tall hill to see the view.
  5. Walking along a forest trail.
  6. Watching a flight of migratory birds.
  7. Your hometown.
  8. A conversation with an old relative.
  9. A reunion with old friends.
  10. Reading the diary of your mother from years ago.
  11. Messages on social media.
  12. The last vacation with your family.
  13. The last job you had.
  14. The bookstore you used to go to all the time.
  15. The last time you saw your grandparents.
  16. The old candy store in your neighborhood.
  17. Hearing your father say he was proud of you.
  18. When you were embarrassed as child.
  19. The punishment you took for a bad mistake.
  20. The impression a favorite teacher left on you.
  21. Your first friend and the times you had with that person.
  22. The crush you had on someone.
  23. A visit to a famous museum.
  24. A winter day in church.
  25. Playing sports in school.
  26. The time you were home alone.
  27. Your proudest achievement.
  28. A book that had an impact on you.
  29. A time when you were robbed.
  30. An unexpected gift.
  31. Your first paycheck.
  32. Moving to a new home.
  33. An award you received.

Take some time to examine your feelings and then put them into words. The lesson learned and the impressions made on you were not shallow. If you put meaning behind the sentences you will discover more about yourself. You will additionally be writing an extremely good essay; one you can be proud of creating. Reflection is not an easy thought process to convey but it is important to learn how to do it. If you are going to be writing more in the near future you will need practice. This exercise is a learning experience in which you become a better writer and better know yourself.

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