European history started many thousands of years ago. Depending on how far you want to go back, past caveman days or just to the Roman Empire, you have a lot of sources to cover for this essay. History usually addresses things like country borders, who is in power, how daily life looked like for the average person, who was the King or ruler, and how the military functioned. Most papers can be written on those kind of topics about any time period or country in particular. A popular time period is the medieval ages or the renaissance, which is far back enough to be very different from our day, but not so far back that there are hardly any sources about people’s lives. It would be more difficult to write about Greece in 1800 BC, for example, than Edwardian England.
The best way to start this project is to nail down your topic. If your teacher has already given one, then you are ahead. If you get to choose your own topic, pick something that seems interesting to you. After that is decided, you need to get down to the actual research and writing. Here are the steps you should follow to do that: