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How To Write An Essay On Ivanhoe: 13 Fresh Topic Ideas

When you have a literary subject to write an essay about, you have to be careful of many things. It is important to carry out a literature analysis of the subject because you should know what is missing and what needs to be done. Be very objective about the strengths and weaknesses of the subject so that you can find a potential niche to address in your paper. If you are not sure what should be the title of your paper on Ivanhoe, then you should consider the following topics

Topic ideas for an Ivanhoe paper

  1. Define the major characters who act as the antagonists in the story. Give a background for them and define their major reason for being who they are

  2. Describe the time, setting, and the major characters in Ivanhoe

  3. Discuss how Ivanhoe has changed modern literature in terms of beauty in distress and the stories of courage and adventure

  4. How do you see the feats of skill and strength performed and depicted in the novel? How does it relate to the setting of the novel

  5. Why does reference of witchcraft and wizardry exist strongly in the English literature of 90 and 80s. Explain some other examples that have the same reference

  6. Describe events like disguise, kidnapping and betrayal in the novel and what do they point towards

  7. Do you think writer has an inspiration from the work of Shakespeare? If yes, why do you think so and how will you prove it to your audience

  8. Discuss and evaluate the word choice and sentence structure in the novel. Discuss if the punctuation and readability are sound enough for literature

  9. Is there an anachronism in the novel? Discuss where they exist and explain why the author has used them for these specific events

  10. Is the writer biased in his writing or he has created a perfect representation of general people? Comment if any exceptions

  11. Is the plot of the novel fit and falls into place like A tale of two cities or does it lack several important chains

  12. Is Ulrica an important character in the novel or does she distract the audience from the real theme. Why do you think the author has introduced her

  13. Do you think the novel has a perfect ending or could it have been better?

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