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Writing An Impressive Essay About Your Life Experience

Are you trying to get an admission in your dream university or prepare for an interview at an esteemed company? If yes, then you should better write a personal portfolio or a convincing essay about your life experience. The points given below are going to help you with that:

  • The format you will use - before you begin writing, choose only one format you are going to follow. Just after this, brood a little over the scenario, whether this would be a formal approach for office interviews, admission purposes in universities or joining a football club. This could be written in a personal or a narrative style or even a descriptive style if you are focussing on one particular event.

  • Plan on the framework - the good old essay format that we have learnt from our childhood days is universal, you may use it or could design it in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Decide on a helper - writing about your life experiences implies taking help from someone who had seen or known you from close quarters. S/he could be your mother, father, cousin or a childhood friend, in fact the person could be anybody who is your near and dear one. They may narrate about those moments and snippets of your life which otherwise have completely slipped your mind.

  • Remembering the nitty-gritty of life - in order to do this you have to go back in time, what I meant was you need to reminisce. Since it is a pretty time consuming drill, you may keep a pen and a notepad handy so that whenever you experience a sudden rupture of memories you could write those down. As this composition is going to be a personal one you need to dedicate a good amount of time, your evolution as a person should get reflected in it.

  • Shuffle through your own facets - everyone is multi-faceted and so are you. As you examine yourself, check for your cultural side, your proclivity towards science or technologies. Shuffle and reshuffle through your credentials as a child or a teenager. It could be an extempore competition which you won or a math quiz you excelled at. Mention about those things which are worth mentioning and stop before those which are not.

Above all stick to the requirements, the essay you write must not deviate from truth and should, by all means, consist of facts and reflect honesty, seeing which your recruiter or coordinator could evaluate your character.

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